Mercedes eis repair
Mercedes eis repair

mercedes eis repair

It is end of life of the key (200 000 insertions) or has hash error in the key. Sometimes the steering will unlock when the key is inserted, but it cannot be turned. I am putting used MCUs, but has to be outside MCU from another EIS as the flash data is different. I have success replacing the outside MCU with another one and switch the EEprom. When the key is removed from the ignition the steering lock doesnt move to lock position. Shorts the interior CAN and nothing works. Steering lock has 2 Motorola MCUs inside and is resetd simply, after that it becomes universal and works with every EIS. It is a PITA to be removed, but sometimes that saves the day. Keys can be made from the 2nd MCU that is inside. Do not overheat it, you will kill it if it is not already dead. If it doesnt read after first few attempts heat the MCU a bit, if it doesnt read again heat it up a bit more and so on. ETL reads them around 80-90%, some can never be read. I dont know anything that reads them in circuit, I use ETL and AK500. I believe most of the data is stored in both MCUs. Personally I have never luck to clone one. There are different speculations for what is stored in which MCU, but these type EIS is extremely hard to clone or change data inside. 0D69J, 1D69J and I have seen one other mask once or twice(and was not able to read it). So let's start with the first type EIS introduced in 1998 for the W202, W208 and W210 models.

mercedes eis repair

It is good to have a similar EIS handy to make comparisons on the board, the current it draws and eventually to swap the EEprom. I use AK500 to verify each key I renew is a functional and the IR circuit works. Make sure the key you programmed is fully functional. This way you will know if a subsequent failure has occured after your intervention or before. Even if there is no original working key another key can be inserted to verify the correct function. Before even starting any work on the EIS connect to a power supply and test the function. First thing is always to read and back-up the EEprom data. After reading the dump from EIS always run it thru SKC to verify the corectness.

mercedes eis repair

Also the beahviour thru different stages can be observed-when inserting the key, when it goes to sleep, etc Closely monitoring the current EIS is drawing helps evaluate the condition. Always connect the EIS for testing to a bench power supply with display for the current. Regardless of how many times you did this job, it will byte you later if you cut corners I am sure many people will add knowledge to this thread.Ī few simple rules have helped me to be successfull most of the time:


Here at we can come to you and supply a replacement key on the spot or you can post your damaged key to us and we will repair it and send it back with a 48hr turn around.Here is my short, but hopefully usefull manual I wrote for most Mercedes Motorola EIS diagnostic and repair.My experience is not decades, but I made keys and repairs to 100s of them.


If this happens then the dealer would have to supply a full new key ordered from Germany which can take up to 10 working days to arrive. The design of Mercedes-Benz car keys makes them naturally prone to physical damage and water damage. The central locking was converted over to a more modern RF based system. The infrared system became a passive immobiliser system that only operated when you inserted the pod style key into the ignition.

mercedes eis repair

Mercedes-Benz later then released a new type of immobiliser, this immobiliser still incorporated an infrared system but this was not for the central locking system. Mercedes-Benz decided to accomplish this, initially, by using an infrared central lockcking system.


Since the mid 1990's vehicle manufacturers have been required to install a passive immobiliser system.

Mercedes eis repair